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 Some Species You Can Join As!!!

(please feel free to be something else, though I would really appreciate it if there was some variation in species)


~Fennec Fox~

Scientific Name: Fennecus zerda

Description: A really small fox that has a body built to with stand extreme temperatures and survives off of small prey. They are the smallest foxes in the world. Their paws are made to protect their feet from hot surfaces, and allows them to get a grip on loose sand. The Fennec Fox uses its tail on cold nights as a scarf. Their ears are very large and make up 20% of their total body area- that's big! Obviously, they can hear very well. Weight: 1-1.5 kg. Length: Head and Body: 33-40cm, Sexual Maturity: 1 year, Gestation Period: 51 days, Number of Young: 1-5, Diet: insects and small rodents, Lifespan: 10 years

 ~Arctic Fox~

Scientific Name: Alopex lagopus

Description: A small fox, slightly larger than the Fennec Fox, with small ears compared to most foxes. Their pelts are white and their heads are short and blunt. In really warm areas they are a dark bluish-brown, and in cold areas they are white in the winter and darken in the summer. They have short and extremely bushy tails. Their paws are relatively large to help them from sinking in snow. Weight: 2.7-3.6 kg, Length: Head and Body: 45.7-66 cm, Sexual Maturity: 1 year, Gestation Period: 52 days, Number of Young: 6-20, average: 7, Diet: anything, Lifespan: 15 years

~Side-striped Jackal~

Scientific Name: Canis adustus

Description: A cautious creature that is more nocturnal and less predatory than other species of jackal. They have a stripe running down their side, and the tip of their tail is white. They have very strong forefeet which they use to hold down prey, and they have long narrow jaws. They are slender and stealthy. Weight: 6.5-14 kg. Length: Head and Body: 65-81 cm, Sexual Maturity: 6-8 months, Gestation Period: 57-70 days, Number of Young: 3-6, Diet: small mammals, reptiles, insects, plant material, Lifespan: 10-12 years

~Golden Jackal~

Scientific Name: Canis aureus

Description: A golden dog with large ears that are used to not only hear, but to show expressions. In hot temperatures they tend to lick their nose. The male is larger and heavier than the female. They have long legs that allow them to run very fast and maintain an even pace. They like to scavenge, but are also great hunters. Weight: 7-15 kg, Length: Head and Body: 38-106 cm, Sexual Maturity: 11 months, Gestation Period: 63 days, Number of Young: 1-9, average: 2-4, Diet: small mammals, birds, reptiles, fruit, insects, and carrion, Lifespan: 13 years


Scientific Name: Canis latrans

Description: A very adaptable type of dog. Their ears are used to communicate rank and expressions and they have very good hearing and sense of smell. It walks on its toes, not its feet. They howl by first making a series of high pitched yelps, and then a long wail. When they are aggresive they hold their tail up horizontally and bush them up. They have a complex, unstable social structure. Weight: 7-20 kg. Length: Head and Body: 75-100 cm, Sexual Maturity: 1-2 years, Gestation Period: 58-65 days, Number of Young: 2-12, average: 6, Diet: small mammals, reptiles, insects, carrion, fruit, Lifespan: 15 years

~Grey Wolf~

Scientific Name: Canis lupus

Description: A large wild dog with grayish-brownish-blackish fur. They have massively powerful jaws- twice the crushing power of fully grown German Sheperd dogs. Their paws help them on rocky and snowy terrain. Their sense of smell is strongest. Their pelt color can actually vary widely, even if they are called grey wolves. There is no such thing as an albino Grey Wolf, at least there are no records of it. Weight: 18-80 kg, Length: Head and Body: 1-1.47 cm, Sexual Maturity: Female: 1 year, Male: 2 years, Gestation Period: 60-63 days, Number of Young: average: 5-6 Diet: mainly large mammals, Lifespan: 17 years

~Black-backed Jackal~

Scientific Name: Canis mesomelas

Description: A jackal with a tan pelt and black on its back, usually with a black-tipped tail. They have large ears and their feet are made for walking on hard stones. They have large lungs so that they can cover long distances and run very fast. They are very adaptable and very aggresive. Weight: 7-13 kg. Length: Head and Body: 68.6-76.2 cm, Sexual Maturity: 10-11 months, Gestation Period: 60 days, Number of Young: 1-8, Diet: reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds, Lifespan: 14 years

 ~Maned Wolf~

Scientific Name: Chrysocyon brachyurus

Description: A long-limbed wolf with usually dark, long fur on its neck that looks like a mane which bristled when threatened. They are not fast runners, but their long limbs allow them to see over tall grass. They have long jaws and very sharp teeth that are effective for catching prey. It walks on its toes and its feet are very good for dealing with marshy ground. They are very rare. They are actually more closely related to foxes than wolves. Weight: 20-25 kg, Length: Head and Body: 74-87 cm, Sexual Maturity: 1 year, Gestation Period: 62-66 days, Number of Young: 2-5 Diet: small rodents, birds, insects, fruit, and other plant matter, Lifespan: 13 years


Scientific Name: Cuon alpinus

Description: A thick and wide muzzled wild dog with rusty colored upperparts and white underparts, with a black tail tip. The tail is thickly furred and expressive and Dholes have a strict social nautre. They can't bark like a domestic dog but they whistle instead. It can take down animals up to 30 times its own weight. Weight: Male: 15-21 kg, Female: 10-17 kg, Length: Head and Body: 80-115 cm, Sexual Maturity: 1 year, Gestation Period: 60-63 days, Number of Young: 4-9, Diet: large and small mammals, Lifespan: 15 years

 ~African Wild Dog~

Scientific Name: Lycaon pictus

Description: A unique spotted dog with blotches of yellow, black, white, and grey in the coat. Each African Wild Dog has his own unique pattern of spots. Its jaws have a very strong grip that allows it to strangle prey. They have slender, yet powerful legs. Unlike other dogs they only have four toes, and they are highly efficient hunters. They are built similar to greyhounds, except the greyhound can sprint and run for short distances while the African Wild Dog runs slowly for very long distances. They are nearly extinct. Weight: 20-30 kg, Length: Head and Body: 75-100 cm, Sexual Maturity: 12-18 months, Gestation Period: 70-75 days, Number of Young: 2-19 average: 7-10 Diet: preffers big game but will settle for small mammals, Lifespan: 10 years

~Bush Dog~

Scientific Name: Speothos venaticus

Description: A small dog with a long body and short legs. They are quiet and hardly like to be seen. They have a short, dense brown pelt that is good for being in the water. They have a naturally short tail, and their legs are very strong. They have a very powerful bite too. (yes it's in the dog family even if it doesn't look a lot like a dog) Weight: 5-7 kg, Length: Head and Body: 57-75 cm, Sexual Maturity: 10 months, Gestation Period: at least 67 days, Number of Young: 1-6, average: 3-4, Diet: small deer, large rodents, Lifespan: 10 years

~Kit Fox~

Scientific Name: Vulpes macrotis

Description: A small and slight fox, actually the second smallest fox in the world. The coat varies in color from orange to grizzled grey. Their ears are made to prevent sand from blowing in them. They have an extreme sense of smell and their noses are always moist. They are mostly nocturnal (hhmmm.... good for the job of an assasin dontcha think?) Weight: Male: 2.2 kg, Female: 1.9 kg, Length: Head and Body: 35-50 cm, Sexual Maturity: 1-2 years, Gestation Period: 49-55 days, Number of Young: 2-6 average: 4-5 Diet: rodents, rabbits, and hares, plus some insects and plants, Lifespan: 20 years

~Red Fox~

Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes

Description: A fox with a long bushy tail. They mark their scent with scent glands on their tails and the underparts of their pelts are generally whitish. The upper coat is usually a rusty color, but can vary greatly. They are good at burrowing and climbing. Their eyes face forward and are made specifically to judge distances, and they are always an amber color. Some Red Foxes have a black stripe running down their back and another one running across their shoulders, they are called cross foxes. Red Foxes have long muzzles that are made to catch small prey and to dig. Weight: 5.4-6.3 kg, Length: Head and Body: 56-76 cm, Sexual Maturity: 8-9 months, Gestation Period: 53 days, Number of Young: 1-13, average: 5, Diet: small mammals, large rodents, birds, insects, carrion, Lifespan: 10 years.

Yes! You came to this page! You are officially my best friend! :D

So you’re here because you want to join right? RIGHT? *twitch*

Well if you are, I love you. *gives you a cookie*

If not… WHY ARE YOU HERE? :s



Post the following when you join (anything highlighted in yellow is optional):

Name: (give your character a name, can be anything you want)

Gender: (male or female, can be neutered or spayed also)

Personality/Description: (what your character looks like and acts like)

History: (maybe you were from somewhere else before you came here)

Family: (who you are related to, mates, pups)

Species and Breed: (ex. Species: Wolf, Breed: Timber Wolf, see different species and breeds to the left)

Picture: (a picture of your character)

Pack: (MoonPack, StarPack, WishPack, or DreamPack. If you don’t put this I will choose for you)

Rank: (see ranks available below, if you don’t put this I will choose, ranking information is farther below on this page)

Crush: (who you are crushing on)


Ranks that are open:

MoonPack: 1 Beta Female, 1 Beta Male, 1 Head Elite Guard, 5 Elite Guards, 1 Head Fighter, Fighters, Beginners, Elders, Mothers, Pups, 3 Healers, 3 Healer Beginners, 4 Trackers, 5 Tracker Beginners, 2 Assasins, 1 Assasin Beginner

StarPack: 1 Alpha, 1 Beta Female, 1 Beta Male, 1 Head Elite Guard, 5 Elite Guards, 1 Head Fighter, Fighters, Beginners, Elders, Mothers, Pups, 3 Healers, 3 Healer Beginners, 5 Trackers, 5 Tracker Beginners, 2 Assasins, 2 Assasin Beginners, 1 Monster

WishPack: 1 Alpha, 1 Beta Female, 1 Beta Male, 1 Head Elite Guard, 5 Elite Guards, 1 Head Fighter, Fighters, Beginners, Elders, Mothers, Pups, 3 Healers, 3 Healer Beginners, 5 Trackers, 5 Tracker Beginners, 2 Assasins, 2 Assasin Beginners, 1 Monster

DreamPack: 1 Alpha, 1 Beta Female, 1 Beta Male, 1 Head Elite Guard, 5 Elite Guards, 1 Head Fighter, Fighters, Beginners, Elders, Mothers, Pups, 3 Healers, 3 Healer Beginners, 5 Trackers, 5 Tracker Beginners, 2 Assasins, 2 Assasin Beginners, 1 Monster




Join Below!!!


Ranking Information:

Alpha: The alpha can be either a male or a female, whether he/she is a dog, wolf, dingo, ect. it doesn't matter. The alpha MUST be a great fighter, thinker, and speaker, and you must also be active more than twice a week! Alpha is a big responsibility. The alpha leads the pack, gives it moral support, commands it, and keeps it in order. Usually the pack will elect the alpha.

Betas: There are two betas, one female and one male. They do not have to be mates, but they do have to know how to cooperate. They take over for the alpha when he/she is sick, injured, pregnant, missing, ect. Betas have almost as much authority as the alpha, and they must be respected. They are in charge of reporting back to the alpha what goes on in the pack. The female beta is in charge of keeping the female pack members in order, and the male beta is in charge of the male pack members. When the alpha dies, one of the betas will be elected to fill in permanently.

Head Elite Guards: There is one head elite guard for every five elite guards. The head elite guards are the best fighters, and usually the biggest members of the pack. They are in charge of keeping the elite guard in order, and they report back to whichever beta was assigned to them to report back to. They train the elite guard and keep them in shape. Each head elite guard is in charge of five elite guards. To become one you simply have to be a very good head elite guard.

Elite Guards: The elite guards are very powerful, and they are the toughest in the pack. They don't really have to be the largest... there could be a Chihuahua with really good fighting skills after all... but they DO have to be excellent fighters. You become one by training as a normal fighter beginner for seven moons, then you have to be a fighter for at least a moon, and finally you have to pass a test: Mock battle an elite guard of your choice, and win or at least do very well. The alpha and two witnesses must be present. If you don't do well you don't pass.The elite guard are split into groups of five with a head elite guard to train them daily, and they tend to be really close to the others in their group. There are five elite guards for every ten members in the pack.

Head Fighters: The head fighters are the best at battle, except they aren't quite as good as the elite guards and higher ranks. They are in charge of the fighters and there is one head fighter for every five fighters in the pack. They have to report back to the beta that was assigned to them to report back to. They also have to do fighter duties, like hunt for the pack and defend it. You become one by simply being a very good fighter.

Fighters: Fighters are the main body of the pack, they are trained to fight and defend the pack. Without fighters there is no pack! Every pup grows up to be a fighter, with few exceptions. They are split into groups of five, with a head guard overseeing each group, and they tend to be very close to those in their group. They have to do fighter duties, like hunt for the pack and defend it at all costs.

Beginners: The beginners are usually young pack members that are training to be fighters. There are also beginners for positions such as healer, tracker, and assasin. Each beginner has a mentor that he/she has to listen to and they have little respect, since they don't know much yet. Fighter beginners have to train for six moons to become a fighter, they have to train for seven moons to qualify for elite guards. All other types of beginners stop being beginners when their mentors think they're ready. They all start at two moons of age. They also have to do unpleasant jobs such as clean out the elders' nests and babysit, and help those in need.

Healers: There are three healers for every ten members of the pack. They are in charge of healing the pack and taking care of them. The healers have to make sure the pack is not hurting itself physically, mentally, or emotionally and it takes a lot of training to be able to master this job. One must know the herbs and mixtures, as well as good advice and how to deal with elders, pups, and everything in between. They must also have a lot of patience and understanding. Healers also get some fighter training once a week.

Trackers: Trackers are very sneaky wolves. They are the ones that practically spend their whole lives hunting and bringing food to the pack. They have no authority but they are respected and listened to. They aren't the only ones that hunt, but at least one tracker should be present at every hunting patrol, since they are the hunting experts. To become a tracker you must first have at least three moons of fighter training, and after that you must train with a tracker and become a tracker beginner. There are five trackers for every twenty wolves in the pack. They, like the healers, have some fighter training once a week.

Assasins: Assasins are spies and murderers. They have super top secret training overseen by the alpha and the most trusted beta. It's important that nobody knows about what goes on during assasin training other than the members of the pack that ABSOLUTLEY need to know. Assasins are secretive and they are sent out to scout the territory and make sure it is safe. They also are the representatives of their pack and visit other packs regularly to keep friendly relations. When someone needs to be "taken care of" the alpha secretly sends an assasin to do it. Assasins also spy on other packs and report back to the alpha and the alpha ONLY. The pack knows about assasins, but they don't know them too well, and that's exactly how things must stay. There are two assasins for every twenty members of the pack. Usually, the alpha chooses you to become one. Once an assasin, always an assasin. If you want to quit, you die.

Mothers/Pups/Elders: Mothers are... obviously... mothers of pups. Pups are the babies of the pack and must be protected at all costs! They cannot leave the nursery without their mother until they are two moons old. Elders are very respected and are usually taken care of by the fighter beginners. They are old and/or disabled, and they have retired from their jobs.


Other Info:

This is just other information (yeah I know I write a lot), about customs and traditions and such. Feel free to read it, but it's not mandatory.



Howling together: The packs gather their members at camp every night to howl at the moon. It is done to unite the packs.

Training Together: Right before howling together, as the sun is setting around the end of the day, everyone gathers with their pack members at camp to talk about how their training is going. Some may volunteer to demonstrate their moves and they can mock fight each other, and tutor each other. This is done so that the pack can bond and they are learning from each other at the same time, plus the alpha gets to be in on all the training. This is NOT part of regular training, which is done individually.

The Feast: Every time a couple become mates and they decide to make it public, the whole pack goes out hunting all together for really big game, while the two new mates stay back at camp, getting some privacy. When the pack comes back with the big prey they all eat to their heart's content and howl to the new couple afterwards. The alpha offers some words of wisdom, and the pack members can say their own little speeches as well. Afterwards everyone stays at camp together, watching the sun sink below the horizon.

Dying: When a someone dies all of the pack members carry them to where they want to bury them. They all sit around and howl sadly while two others dig the hole. When the hole is finished, they bury the deaed and walk away, not speaking for the rest of the day out of respect.

When pups are born: The pack howls together at the nursery entrance, and the alpha welcomes the new members.



1. Pups and beginners must NEVER back talk any of their superiors. The penalty for this is up to the parents.

2. NO ONE back talks the alpha. The penalty is possible exile, depending on the severity. If not so severe, the penalty is no dinner.

3. No one must kill anyone without a good reason, and it is dishonorable to kill someone when they are off of their guard. The penalty for this is up to the alpha and/or the family of the killed.

4. Lying, as we all know, is dishonorable, but the assasins are the only ones that may lie to the pack, but NOT to the alpha. Penalty is death or exile for assasins lying to the alpha. The penalty can vary for other members.

5. Don't hunt for sport. Penalty is starvation.

6. Don't kill others for sport. Penalty is a slow and painful death.

7. Don't steal from other packs. Penalty may vary from a scolding to death.

8. Don't cross into other packs' borders unless there's a very good reason and the alpha knows about it. Penalty may vary from a scolding to death.

9. Don't intentionally harm any member of your pack. Penalty is exile or death.



Ok so obviously we don't go by real time here, so we need to establish how long moons (months), suns (days), darknesses (nights), and cycles (years) are.

Moons: last 7 days (real time).

Suns: This one is complicated... just go along with everyone else, for example if someone writes that it's getting dark then you know the sun is almost over.

Darknesses: Read Suns.

Cycles: last 6 months (real time). 




Front Paw Strike:

A frontal attack. Slice downward with your front paw at the body or face of your opponent. Works best if you are larger than your opponent, and if you have long claws.

Frontal Paw Blow:

A frontal attack. Bring your front paw down hard onto your opponent's head. Works best if you are larger than your opponent.

 Back Kick:

An explosive surprise move to catch an opponent from behind. Judge opponent's distance from you carefully, and then lash out with your back legs, taking your weight on your front paws.This sends the opponent flying. 

Belly Rake:

A fight stopper. Slice with your claws (if they are sharp) across soft flesh of the opponent's belly. If you are pinned down, the belly rake quickly puts you back in control. Works best if you have long claws and strong legs. 

Upright Lock:

Final move on already weakend opponent. Rear up on your back legs, and bring full weight down on top of your opponent. If your opponent does the same, wrestle and flip him under you. This move makes you vulnerable to the Belly Rake, so it takes great strength and speed. Works best if you are larger than your opponent.

Leap and Hold:

Idle for a small dog facing a larger opponent. Spring onto opponent's back, and grip hard. Now you are beyond the range of your opponent's paws and teeth, and in position to inflict severe body wounds. A group of beginners/learners/to-be's could defeat a large and dangerous opponent this way.

Teeth Grip:

Target your opponent's extremities (the legs, tail, scruff, or ears) and sink in your teeth and hold. This move is similar to the Leap and Hold, but your body is free to fight.

Scruff Shake:

Secure a strong teeth-grip in the scruff of your opponent's neck, then shake violently until they are too rattled to fight back. Use mostly against opponents that you can throw, like rats or Chihuahuas.

Play Dead:

Effective in a tight situation, liked when you are pinned. Stop struggling and go limp. When your opponent relaxes his grip, thinking that you are defeated, push yourself up explosively. This will throw off any wary opponent, and put you back into a fighting position. Works best if you are more than half the size of your opponent.

Killing Bite:

A deathblow to the back of the neck or throat. Quick and silent, sometimes considered dishonorable. Used as only a last resort.

Partner Fighting:

Those who have trained and fought together will often instinctively fall into a paired defensive position, each protecting each other's back while fending off an opponent on either side. Biting, nipping, and leaping together, battle pairs can be a whirlwind of danger for their attackers.

Nip and Tear:

A very effective move that most wolves and wolf hybrids know instinctively. Dive in quickly and secure a piece of your opponents flesh with your teeth, then leap back, ripping the flesh, and flying back to safety. Dive in again, and again, and again, ect. It inflicts serious pain on the opponent, but terriers and smaller dogs have issues with this move since it's not in their instinct to let go. Same with Bulldogs, Pitbulls, ect.

Muzzle Lock:

Grab your opponents muzzle with your teeth, this gives you control over their head. Once in control, you can do a number of things with your opponent, ex: smash their face into the ground. It only works if you are over half the size of your opponent though.

Bite and Hold:

Some breeds, like Pitbulls and Bulldogs have it in their instinct to grab onto their opponent and not let go for anything. This causes serious injuries to the opponent in the afflicted area. It only works if you have a short muzzle, ideal for this move.

Jaw Lock:

This happens when the two opponents rear on their hind legs and lean in towards each other. The result is a jaw lock usually, with both opponents attempting a muzzle lock at the same time. This gives you some amount of power to knock the other off balance, but you can also use this time to inflict serious injuries to your enemy's face. This only works if the two enemies are of similar height.

Horse Kick:

Use this move when an enemy is springing at your back. Lean on your front legs and kick backwards, sending the enemy flying off. You can also move forward a couple of paces and then kick, hitting the enemy in the jaw, causing extreme pain.

The Twist:

This move is effective for when someone has you pinned, even by your throat. Twist from their grip, rolling out from under them, and then leaping swiftly to your feet to continue fighting. Works real nicely with the muzzle lock and/or the nip and tear move following it.

The Ultimate Pin:

You know what a pin is, but this is the ultimate pin. Hold the enemy down using all of your weight, also holding their front paws down with yours, and holding their back paws down with yours. This makes you vulnerable to the twist though.

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