MoonPack, StarPack, WishPack, DreamPack







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Chat here! You don't have to be a member to chat here, and you can basically chat about anything... but remember... THE SITE RULES STILL APPLY!! And Do not advertise here!! This is just a place to chillax. :D





Hey, I'm Mord, the owner and creator of this site, and I roleplay Rowan of MoonPack! Welcome to the coolest rpg site you will ever go to- Fate's Path! Here you can roleplay a wolf, dog, or any other canine. So basically you can be anything in the dog family. I got the idea for this site from the story I'm writing- Whispers of Freedom. No that doesn't mean you have to make everything happen here that happened in my story, but it could serve as a small guideline. Please keep in mind that I made most of the graphics for this site and therefore do not appreciate stealing!

So on this site there are four packs- MoonPack, StarPack, WishPack, and DreamPack. They live in a place deep in the wilderness they like to call the Solemn Forest, which has remained untouched and undiscovered by humans over the centuries. No one knows how long the packs have resided here, but the legends date back to ancient times. Many secrets have been uncovered over the years, and the packs seem to have finally reached some sort of stability. But maybe they're a little too stable... overpopulation is causing them all to starve slowly. Will they run out of food? How long can they survive before they must resort to killing each other? Will the packs be extinguished eternally? It may be up to you...


Rules: (important!!)

1. No powerplaying!! Powerplaying is using someone else's character. It's annoying and you will be banned for it!

2. No cursing, or sexual talk. Keep everything rated around pg13 please! Parents and small children can come on this site.

3. Play as many characters as you want, but keep them all active! If you don't come on in over a week you will be deleted. Also, only one of your characters may have a high rank at a time. Give others a chance!!

4. Don't kill others without their permission, and don't come out of a battle completely unscathed.

5. If you must have a superpower run it by me first. Some things I will accept, others I wont.

6. Please be realistic to some degree, I'm not picky, but don't make it totally unreal! Also On this site we roleplay in the following ways :

          a. *she padded in* Hello! *barks* (is anyone on?)

          b. She padded in. "Hello!" she barked. (is anyone on?)

7. If you are deleted you may re-adopt yourself on the adoption page. If someone else has adopted you then that's too bad- make another character.

8. When you join post this : Howl at the moon, make a wish, dream brave, and watch the stars. (so I know you read the rules!)

9. I am not responsible for any stolen artwork/pictures that may appear on this site. Choose a picture for your character wisely- be careful because taking some pictures may be stealing.


Besides that, Have fun!! And really, I'm not picky. Go wild! And be creative! I will update the site as much as possible. Enjoy yourself!! :D



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